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The Lighter Side on Spotify

The Lighter Side is on Spotify!   Our podcast is growing, and we are now on Spotify.  As we continue to tell real stories of transformation, check us out on Spotify today! Call the hotline at 908 396 7791 email me...

Who is Jay?

I’m fat. It wasn’t always this way. Sure, I was a chubby little kid, but I escaped childhood corpulence without too much trauma. (There was one time. I was wearing a tank top in 6th grade and this shit bag says to me, “I thought tank tops were for skinny people.” I...

New Episodes on the Way

We’ve been out of the loop for a little while, but we’ll be back soon!  We’re excited to have some new and entertaining guests and to bring you the best when it comes to true stories of weight loss.  Check back soon!

New Lighter Side Website

The brand new Lighter Side Podcast website has arrived!  We’re happy to launch our new site where you can read about us, keep up with our news, and of course, listen to our newest episodes.  We’re really excited to keep you up to date with the latest in...